Friday, March 02, 2007

Connection Keeps Me Blogging

Two posts out of the Northern Voice 1007 attendees feed reminded me of why I find it worthwhile to keep learning how to connect on the web, including blogging. The first, from Robin Kindred spirits (Yap 3.0):

When like minded spirits connect, it is magic.
When we become friends online, we can connect immediately.
When we read other's blogs and find ourselves nodding, alas, another kindred spirit is found.

This was my experience when I was reading Beverly Trayner's Phronesis blog.

I had sent my dear friend Bev Robin's url because of the similar names of their blogs - both unusual.

The second comes from a post by Duncan Rawlinson who writes about inclusion using the web:
Celest suffers from Leukemia and she is unable to attend her 4th grade class because of her chemotherapy treatments. Watch this video to see how she gets a chance to be included.

Brian Crosby is the teacher of the year in my book. Check out Brian Crosby’s blog.

Brian Crosby’s class was also on the news for this.


Anonymous Robin Yap said...

Thanks Nancy! I do think that blogging keeps us connected and create new connections (friends) along the way. It was great to have met you at the conference.

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Bev Trayner said...

Yes ,,, those connections from unlikely places, including all the connections in my own town that I made through my blog. People I would otherwise not know. It's like a piece of magic.

3:19 AM  
Anonymous Duncan said...

thx for the link


9:30 PM  

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