Monday, June 11, 2007

Message in the Mailbox

Cloud Door
Originally uploaded by Choconancy1.
Ah, Sardinia. I left yesterday after four days in the lovely Autonomous Region of Sardenga, Italy. What a beautiful place and what fantastic food. I kept thinking I was going to blog, but I opted for walking around, taking pictures and just relaxing. After nearly three weeks on the road, the respite was perfect. I am now in Rome on client work for the rest of this week, then back to Brussels.

So, here is a small message in the mailbox just to say hello and to let go of a sense of blogging obligation, to be fully in the moment. To take the time to drink wine with friends, admire the sunset and get essential work done - not everything.

As I travel, I keep thinking about how being in a different place allows my brain to operate slightly differently. I see these vignettes and they suggest new stories, new possibilities.

Oh, and I eat a lot of great pasta. See the Flickr photos!
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Blogger jay said...

Nancy, I would be so jealous were I not hopping a flight to Italy day after tomorrow. I intend to return as a new person. Great photos!


3:33 PM  

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