Sunday, June 17, 2007

Rome Meetings Over, on to KM4Dev

Arne and Nancy, laughing!
Originally uploaded by Choconancy1.
I love this photo that Biraj Patnaik took in Rome at a dinner during a recent FAO meeting. Our group had been working hard all day, so we went out for pizza and wine. Biraj whipped out his camera and took a bunch of wonderful people pictures, a few of which I shared on my Flickr feed.

I love the photo for a couple of reasons. First, the expression on Arne Oshaug and my faces. We were having a lovely time and it shows. The picture captures the moment and when I look at this artifact of the moment, I recall it. I smile again.

Second, I love the context of the wall. Rome is layers of history, layers of politics, power, culture and humanity. The wall reminds me of Roma.

So now I am in Brussels, about to hit the road for Zeist, Holland for the KM4Dev community gathering. For four days we'll work on projects together, think about collaboration and creativity and renew personal and professional friendships. We'll have meetings about our Journal, the future sponsorship of the community and how we'll continue to share the community tasks that keep things going.

I love the KM4Dev community because I have met people who share my values, challenge my beliefs, connect me with new learning and help me keep a context for my work in international development. I can't slough off or get sloppy because they keep me sharp. This weekend I was working on the editorial for the next edition of our Journal - this one focused on technology stewardship in international development and I thought, gee, what fantastic stories the authors are sharing; useful, practical, real!

I loved my week facilitating in Rome because the room was filled with diverse, smart and passionate people who care that every human being on the planet deserves the RIGHT to food.

I loved that I arrived in Rome refreshed from four days in Sardinia.

This trip has been good. 5 days and I'll be home. Give me a week and I'll be back to regular blogging!


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