Friday, August 31, 2007

First Blog for Blog Day 2007 - Thinking Stick

Blog Day 2007Today is the 2007 Blog Day, a chance to highlight new blogs (at least to each of us) and share a little link love along the way. I posted two earlier, unsure about how focused I'd stay on this on the actual day, but here we are and I have a couple more to share.

The first is The Thinking Stick written by Jeff Utecht who lives and works in Shanghai, China, and whose blog was brought to my attention by a commenter on this blog (Thanks, Barbara! I think she is his mother! ;-) Jeff describes himself as a K-12 technologist, so I think we have some affinity around the areas of learning and technology! Another connection is that I have a cousin who lives in Shanghai. (No, this isn't a 6 degrees game!) I liked Jeff's post about technology fear! This shows up a lot in my work as well! Nice blog, Jeff!

Mark Greenfield, who has a blog to reflect about online learning as part of a workshop for folks in New Zealand, also has a post about techno-fear that I read today. I found Mark's blog because he referenced a talk I shared with his group earlier this week. The post, "If You're Technophobic and You Know it Clap Your Hands" (great title) adds further reflection to how we feel - often inadequate- while trying to use technology. I shared a comment with Mark about how 'over the shoulder' peer coaching helps me. (I have a blog post in the works about this, along with the slides from the aformentioned talk).

The third one I found via a pointer from David Snowden, Biophemera, "the art of biology & the biology of art." I love the humor, visual thinking and the way "biophemera" takes both a poetic and often a fresh perspective on something. I think "hey, I never saw it that way." What a gift.

It is time to go outside and go for a walk with a person I've only met online - so I'll have to find 2more later. But these 3 are a good start if you need a new blog link.


Anonymous Dave Lucas said...

Happy Blog Day 2007! Please stop by my Blog Day post and leave your link!

1:22 PM  
Blogger Sarah Stewart said...

Hi Nancy, I too 'attended' the session you did about peer assist and 'looking over your shoulder'. I am fairly new to online learning and am part of a team who is planning to deliver undergraduate midwifery education online, with Leigh Blackell helping us. I really like the concept of looking over each others' shoulders - we're starting to do that a lot to learn about online tools. So thank you for the session-I really enjoyed it.

1:30 PM  
Blogger Jeff Utecht said...

Thanks for the write up! I made somebodies Blog Day roll...very cool!

7:02 AM  

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