Monday, August 06, 2007

Seattle UnGnomeCamp and Seattle Ignite this Week

For readers from Seattle or coming to Gnomedex, you might be interested in two upcoming events. First is Ignite Seattle on Wednesday the 8th and then BarCamp / UnGnomeCamp this coming Sunday, August 12th in Seattle.

Announcing UnGnomeCamp (rhymes with Unknown Camp) the official unofficial post-conference gathering after GnomeDex 2007!

  • Can't get in to the sold-out GnomeDex?
  • Can't spare $500-plus price of a Gnomedex ticket (may be higher on the scalpers' black market, your mileage may vary)
  • Want more than a single-track format, with speakers at the front of the room? Want more interaction, a chance to present, multiple choices?
  • Want to continue the conversations from Gnomedex and delve into more detail?

UnGnomeCamp is a chance to do all that, and more. It's an unconference using Open Space format. THIS MEANS THAT THE AGENDA WILL BE CREATED BY THE WHOLE GROUP TOGETHER IN THE MORNING OF THE EVENT. PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME 10AM Sharp AND PARTICIPATE IN THAT PROCESS....ALSO don't mind the 'rules of BarCamp' -

since we are using Open Space Technology we are going to follow the practice of invitation - if you are interested come;

The principles of Open Space - 1) Who ever come are the right people 2) What ever happens is the only thing that could have 3) Whenever it starts is the right time 4)Whenever it is over it is over;

And the Law of Two feet - if you are not learning or contributing it is your responsibility to respectfully find some where you are.

So inspired by the barcamp model we are creating an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. What it is in detail is up to you... participation is key.

So inspired by the barcamp model we are creating an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. What it is in detail is up to you... participation is key.

If I can get all my work done for next week's travel, I'll be there!

Seattle Ignite
, hosted by Brady Forrest, is becoming a Seattle fav. This Wednesday besides the amazing 5 minute lightening talks, there will be Half-baked Dotcom, a startup improv game hosted by Dave McClure. Now full disclosure: I'm going for the Hacking Chocolate lightening talk by Shawn Murphy.


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