Tuesday, November 13, 2007

David Sibbet: Second Life Retrospective

One of the best reflections I've read on SecondLife - or perhaps a better way to qualify it - a reflection that made a great deal of sense to me! He invites comments on his blog...

David Sibbet: Second Life Retrospective:
"I just completely a 40 page illustrated retrospective on my learning from an initial year and half exploring Second Life. I've focused on 12 themes that have posed the most interesting questions and learning in this new medium, which increasingly represents an integrated experience in self-organizing, web 2.0 phenomena, all embedded in a 3D dynamic environment. The paper is too long to include here, but you can down load it by clicking on this link. I would love to hear your comments and reactions here however. .. Download SecondLifeRetrospective.pdf (2518.2K)"


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